Feedback on Jesus-film outreaches

Feedback on Jesus-film outreaches

Gansbaai Academia - Monday morning, 28 January, Barry de Vaal and myself were at Gansbaai Academia, a multicultural High School in Blompark, Gansbaai. The 983 pupils are full of spirit and enthusiasm. I did the week’s opening in the school hall. What a privilege to share the “Four Spiritual Laws”. (A message about how to receive Jesus into your life.) ... When I gave the opportunity to pray the prayer to receive Jesus into your life, most of the learners prayed out loud in unity. After the short prayer spontaneous applause followed.

Evangelism & Follow-up Outreach Buffeljags Bay, Southern Cape

During 28-30 January, we also reached out to this small fishermen’s village.

As always, we showed films over 3 evenings, each with a different emphasis:

  • First night: “JESUS-Film” (Magdalena version). Emphasis on ‘Evangelism’. People were given an opportunity to accept Christ Jesus as personal Saviour and Lord.
  • Second evening: “Wanneer die Dop Skop” (Alcohol misuse). In the teaching afterwards we focussed on ‘Assurance of Salvation’. Opportunity to be sure that Jesus came into their lives.
  • Third evening: “Kruispad” (AIDS). In the teaching afterwards we focussed on the important secret of the Christian life: “What happens when I sin again?”. Teaching and practical application of how to do ‘Spiritual Breathing’ (confession of sins). At this stage the positive evidence of the impact of 3 consecutive evenings of ministry could clearly be seen.

Praise God for open hearts!

Upcoming JESUS-Film Outreaches, Leeu-Gamka area:
  • 18-20 February – Prince Albert
  • 21-23 February – Kruidfontein Wyk
  • 25-27 February – Uitershoek Farm
  • 26-28 February – Lions Creek Olive Estate
  • Apart from the outreaches, we also plan to visit at least four schools during this time.

Please pray for open doors, and more people investing in the financial aspects of these upcoming outreaches.



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Early morning in Gansbaai Academia. Pieter does the week’s opening in the school hall, while the children listen captivated.

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The 983 learners opened their hearts to the messageof God’s Love and Forgiveness.

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With this powerful megaphone, (made available through generous gifts to the ministry), we invited the people of Buffeljags Bay to the evening’s activities in the community hall.

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A group of mainly ladies attended the film “Kruispad” (Cross Roads) where we talked about AIDS.


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Evangelism, Follow-up & Spiritual growth